1 工程概况振兴桥位于山东省长清县崮山镇境内,每个桥墩基础设置一排(3根)钢筋砼灌注桩,桩径1.2m,桩长14~18m,桩距4.6m,排距13m。该工程地质条件比较复杂,整个桥址纵深方向呈砂砾石、流砂、卵石、漂石、粘土和页岩分布,漂石、卵石在河心部位较多,向河两岸逐渐减少。对于这种复杂的地质情况,一般工程常用的回旋钻无法施工,而只能采用冲击钻。经计算选用7台冲击钻。工
1 Project Overview Zhenxing Bridge is located in Dangshan Town, Changqing County, Shandong Province, a set of each pier foundation (3) reinforced concrete bored pile diameter of 1.2m, pile length 14 ~ 18m, pile spacing 4.6m, row spacing 13m. The geological conditions of this project are quite complicated. Gravel, sand, pebbles, boulders, clays and shales are distributed in the depth direction of the bridge. Boulders and pebbles are more distributed in the river center and gradually decrease toward both banks of the river. For this complex geological situation, the common engineering rotary drill can not be constructed, and only use the impact drill. Calculated using seven impact drill. work