Discuss Optimal Approaches to Learning Strategy Instruction for EFL Learners

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  Abstract:Numerous research studies reveal that learning strategies have played an important role in language learning processes. This paper explores as English teachers, can we improve students’ language proficiency by giving them optimal learning strategy instruction and what approaches are most effective and efficient?
  Keywords:learning strategies learning strategy instruction EFL Learners
  1 Introduction
  Numerous research studies reveal that learning strategies have played an important role in language learning processes. According to Stern, Chamot, and other theorists and researchers (in Chamot 2005), "the good language learner" uses flexible and appropriate learning strategies to fulfill different language tasks. The main question addressed in this paper is as English teachers, can we improve students’ language proficiency by giving them optimal learning strategy instruction and what approaches are most effective and efficient? This paper firstly explains the concept of learning strategy and outlines its classification. The relationship between learning strategies and language proficiency is then explored. Finally, the kind of strategies that should be taught to learners and how to teach them are discussed.
  2 Theoretical background
  Definitions of learning strategies emphasize different aspects of this phenomenon. Ellis (1990) sums up different authors’ views: Stern first defines learning strategy as "general tendencies or overall characteristics of the approach employed by the language learner, leaving techniques as the term to refer to particular forms of observable learning behavior" (in Ellis 1990, p531); Chamot redefines strategies as "techniques, approaches or deliberate actions that students take in order to facilitate the learning, recall of both linguistic and content area information" (in Ellis 1990, p531); Rubin regards strategies as "strategies which contribute to the development of the language system which the learner constructs and affect learning directly" (in Ellis 1990, p531); Oxford relates that "Language learning strategies are behaviors or actions which learners use to make language learning more successful, self-directed and enjoyable." (in Ellis 1990, p531) . These variable definitions show a trend of methods of learners which making language learning successful and enjoyable, which partially reflects the wide spread influence of CLT approaches in second language acquisition.
  Based on the above definitions, several researchers classify learning strategies into different taxonomies. In Ellis’s(1990) view, the most comprehensive classification of learning strategies is that provided by Oxford in 1986 based on the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL).It contains two groups(primary strategies and support strategies) with sixty-four individual strategies. The inventory has undergone numerous revisions from then on. O’Malley and Chamot distinguish learning strategies based on an information-oriented model and classify them into three major types: cognitive strategies (repetition, note-taking, elaboration) which have a direct influence to particular learning tasks; metacognitive strategies (planning, monitoring and evaluating ) which manage, facilitate and reflect language learning tasks; social or affective strategies(clarification, cooperation) which learners use to "interact" with other people (in Ellis 1990, p538). Similar to O’Malley and Chamot’s view, Oxford’s (1990) framework of learning strategies refers to direct and indirect strategies. The former is made up of three components and ten subcomponents : memory strategies, cognitive strategies and compensation strategies; while the latter consists of metacognitive strategies, social strategies and affective strategies.
  The above definitions and taxonomies of learning strategies all reflect the researchers’ emphasis on language learners and language learning efficiency, which is valuable information for all ESL/EFL learners and teachers.
  3 Relationship between learning strategies and second language proficiency
  Oxford ( 1990 ) claims that appropriate language learning strategies result in improved proficiency and greater self-confidence. Her suggestion is approved by other researchers including Cohen, O’Malley and Chamot, and Oxford and Burry-Stock (in Oxford and Leaver 1996 ). Furthermore, many investigators (as listed in Oxford and Leaver 1996, p246 ) provide empirical evidence that the use of a particular strategy causes more effective learning than not using that strategy.
  Researchers that show this relationship are varied. In the 1970s, Rubin and Stern suggested a model of "the good language learner" (in Chamot 2005, p115) and began to explore what particular strategies assist these successful second language learners. Other researchers including Naiman, Fronhlich, Stern
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