一、冷水田的改良 冷水田又叫冷浸田或冷脚田,土壤属冷沙泥,鴨 屎泥等。大都分布在阴山坡脚,深山夹沟的地势;田 坝当中低洼的地方,也有发现。主要特点是地下冒冷 水,或者引用附近的冷水灌田,因而水温和土温都很 低,土壤里面的微生物不容易繁殖活动,肥料不容易 腐烂,土壤也不能形成良好的结构。因此,使水稻在 栽秧以后不容易转青和发蔸,延迟成熟期,比一般田要 晚二、三十天,而且成熟不一致,有一面黄熟一面抽 穗扬花的现象,群众称为“过冬青”。结果产量就很 低,一般每亩只有二、三百斤,更低的甚至只有百把 斤,最多也只能收四百多斤。 改良这种冷水田,我省农民有很多的方法,各地 总结起来,已成一套完整经验。
First, the improvement of cold paddy field Cold paddy field is also called cold dip field or cold foot paddy soil is cold sand mud duck feces and so on. Mostly distributed in the foot of the hillside, deep sand folder topography; Tianba low-lying areas, but also found. The main feature is the cold water in the ground, or refer to the cold water near the irrigation field, so the water temperature and soil temperature are very low, soil microorganisms are not easy to reproduce activities, the fertilizer is not easy to decay, the soil can not form a good structure. Therefore, it is not easy for rice to turn green and become stubble after planting, delay the maturity period, two or thirty days later than usual, and the maturity is inconsistent. ". As a result, the output is very low. Generally, there are only two or three hundred jin per acre or even only one hundred jin and only up to 400 jin at most. Improve the cold paddy fields, farmers in our province there are many ways, all over to sum up, has become a complete set of experience.