我们于1990年6月发现1例误诊为化脓性右髋关节炎的急性弓形虫病患者,现报告如下。 病历摘要 患者女,10岁。因突然感觉右髋关节呈持续性疼痛,内、外旋屈伸受限且疼痛加剧5天,体温波动在38.5~39.6℃之间,于1990年5月14日入院,入院后,经各项体检无异常发现。拟诊为化脓性右髋关节炎。入院后给AMP、AKN、皮质激素、Vitc等即按此病治疗7天,病情未见好转,经有关医院会诊,仍诊断为化脓性右髋关节炎,但不排除类风湿病。于1990年6月5日出院,至1990年6月19日患者来我站血检疟原虫,在血片中发现弓形虫假包囊及游离滋养体,未查到
We found in June 1990 a case of acute toxoplasmosis misdiagnosed as suppurative right hip arthropathy, are as follows. Patient history Female, 10 years old. Suddenly feel the right hip was due to persistent pain, medial and lateral rotation flexor extension is limited and the pain exacerbated for 5 days, body temperature fluctuations between 38.5 ~ 39.6 ℃, on May 14, 1990 admitted to hospital, after various physical examination No abnormalities found. To be diagnosed as suppurative right hip arthritis. After admission to the AMP, AKN, corticosteroids, Vitc and so on according to the disease treatment for 7 days, the condition did not improve, the hospital consultation, still diagnosed as suppurative right hip arthritis, but does not rule out rheumatoid. Was discharged on June 5, 1990, to June 19, 1990 patients came to my station blood tests of Plasmodium, Toxoplasma gondii cysts found in the blood film and free trophozoites, not found