为确定发病率、临床及实验室特征和人类单核细胞热带埃希氏病 (HumanMonocytotropicEhrlichiosis,HME)初级保健设施中分子诊断的效用 ,在密苏里州的希拉多特角的初级保健临床门诊病人中进行前瞻性研究。选择 1997年 3月至1999年 12月期间有 3日发热 (≥ 37 7℃ )史、有蜱咬伤或
To determine morbidity, clinical and laboratory characteristics and the utility of molecular diagnostics in primary human immunocytokine-Ehrlichosis (HME) primary care facilities were performed in primary care clinical outpatients in Giladot Cape, Missouri Prospective study. Choose from March 1997 to December 1999 period of 3 days of fever (≥ 377 ℃) history, there are tick bites or