’99年春夏季亚麻织物流行趋势,流行信息可分为三大主题: 第一主题:无限精致。 女性化、手感柔软、悬垂性好是本主题的面料特点,主要颜色有白色、奶黄色、米色及各种深浅不同的蓝灰色调等。亚麻/粘胶、亚麻/真丝的交织织物都非常轻薄,有时还含有一点莱卡的成份在内,组织花纹细小、简约,如超迷你的凹凸纹织物、纱罗织物、重绉纹织物、精细的松结构方平织物等。 细针距针织物、小提花织物、闪色花纹织物等均经过珠光、弱光处理,加强了亚麻织物的天然光泽效果。透孔和轻薄是亚麻织物的设计要素,如象形文字及抽象图案的亚麻/涤纶、亚麻/真丝烂花织物,飘逸的亚麻/真丝透明硬纱及交织有亚金色线的肤色的干酪包布织物。
’99 spring and summer linen fabric trends, popular information can be divided into three major themes: The first theme: infinite sophistication. Feminine, soft touch, good drapability is the subject of fabric features, the main colors are white, milk yellow, beige and various shades of blue-gray color and so on. Flax / viscose, linen / silk interwoven fabric are very thin, and sometimes also contain a little Lycra ingredients, tissue patterns are small, simple, such as super-mini textured fabric, leno fabric, heavy crepe fabric, fine Loose structure square fabric and so on. Fine needle knitwear, jacquard fabrics, glitter pattern fabrics, etc. have been pearl, weak light processing, enhance the natural sheen effect of linen. Through-hole and slim design elements of linen, such as linen / terylene with pictographs and abstract patterns, flax / silk fabrics, flowing linen / silk organza and cheesecloth interwoven with gold-colored threads .