今年,在价格体系的改革中,我厂(原南京石棉塑料制品厂)出现了一系列增支因素:其中有原材料、铁路运输、生产用煤、电、油、水等,总计约比上年多支出了102万元,占全年计划利润的25%以上。这就使企业要实现工厂规定的利润目标——比去年递增15%,增添了很大困难。我们发动职工分析形势,商量对策,决定一不等,二不靠,立足本厂,对内使劲,兴利除弊,挖掘潜力,在搞活企业中提高对增支的消化吸收能力。我们采取的主要做法是: 一、积极推行厂长负责制,将原行政机构划分为经营开发、生产技术、综合管理等6个办公室,并赋与各职能办公室干部招聘、职工
This year, in the reform of the price system, a series of additional factors emerged in our factory (formerly Nanjing Asbestos Plastic Products Factory): raw materials, railway transportation, coal for production, electricity, oil and water, etc., Spending more than 1.02 million yuan, accounting for more than 25% of the planned profit for the year. This makes it very difficult for an enterprise to achieve the profit target set by the factory, an increase of 15% over last year. We mobilize workers to analyze the situation, discuss the measures to decide a range, two do not rely on, based on the factory, the internal hard, Xing and the advantages and disadvantages, tap the potential to revitalize enterprises in improving the digestion and absorption capacity. We take the main approach is: First, actively implement the director responsibility system, the original administrative agency is divided into business development, production technology, integrated management and other six offices, and endowed cadres of various functional office recruitment, staff