这架单人飞机的主要技术参数:长度:21.85米高度:6.4米载荷:450公斤锂离子电池引擎:4台电动机,每台7.5kW巡航速度:70km/h翼展:63 4米机翼面积:200m~2最大起飞重量:2000kg起飞速度:35km/h升限:8500m由瑞士建造的Solar Impulse太阳能飞机5月24号从瑞士起飞,目标是完成有史以来太阳能飞机的首次洲际飞行。在这次距离2500公里的飞行中,飞机将在马德里做一次技术性停留然后再飞往最终的目的地摩洛哥的拉巴特。这此飞行也被看做是计划在2014年进行的环球飞行的演练。而在大约一年前同一架飞机完成了从瑞士到比利时布鲁塞尔的国际飞行。在这次飞行中这架纯粹靠阳光提供能源的飞
The main technical parameters of this single aircraft: Length: 21.85 meters Height: 6.4 meters Load: 450 kg Lithium-ion battery engine: 4 motors, each 7.5kW Cruising speed: 70km / h Wingspan: 63 4 meters Wing area : 200m ~ 2 Maximum take-off weight: 2000kg Take-off speed: 35km / h Lifting limit: 8500m The Solar Impulse solar powered aircraft from Switzerland took off from Switzerland on May 24 with the goal of completing the first intercontinental flight of solar powered aircraft ever. During this 2,500-kilometer flight, the aircraft will make a technical stopover in Madrid before flying to the final destination, Rabat, Morocco. This flight is also seen as a walkthrough of a global flight scheduled for 2014. The same aircraft completed its international flight from Switzerland to Brussels, Belgium about a year ago. This flight powered by purely sunlight