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为了验证前人提出的青蒿素在疟原虫中靶点蛋白的可信性并寻找其直接作用的靶点,用酵母作为模式生物,对候选靶点在酵母中的同源蛋白进行基因改造,研究其对青蒿素抑制作用的影响,并利用与琼脂糖偶联的二氢青蒿素(DHA)寻找与之特异性紧密结合的酵母蛋白。研究发现酵母中的同源蛋白似乎没有在青蒿素抑制中起关健作用;并且未找到能与DHA特异性紧密结合的酵母蛋白。结果表明:过去提出的青蒿素作用靶点可能不正确,并暗示青蒿素可能没有特异专一的蛋白靶点或同时作用于多个靶点。 In order to verify the credibility of the target protein of artemisinin in Plasmodium and to find out the direct target of artemisinin, we used yeast as a model organism to genetically modify the homologous protein of candidate target in yeast, The effect of artemisinin on its inhibition was investigated. Dihydroartemisinin (DHA) coupled with agarose was used to find out the yeast protein that was closely associated with it. The study found that homologous proteins in yeast did not seem to play a key role in artemisinin inhibition; and no yeast protein that specifically binds to DHA was found. The results show that the target of artemisinin proposed in the past may not be correct, and it is suggested that artemisinin may not have specific and specific protein targets or act on multiple targets at the same time.
2013-2014年连续2年在新疆南疆垦区兵团第一师一团进行水稻机械精量旱穴直播百亩连片示范,经农业部科教司组织相关专家现场实割测产,2013年示范方平均产量1029.4 kg/667 m2,2014
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