绒绣(Wool needle point tapestry)起源于欧洲,在17至19世纪盛行于德国、英国和法国。英图是绒绣的中心,由于编织技艺深入生活,乃至作为妇女之天职,历代皇室贵妇人也不例外。玛丽一世(1516—1558)、斯各特女王、伊莉莎白女王(1533—1603)都曾绒绣。、当时绒绣的题材很大部分是描写贵族生活的情节、圣经故事、寓言和乡村风景,常以名家油画翻稿。在风格上追求写实、逼真。传统绒绣的编织方法为“点绣”(Needle point),即用羊毛线作网格麻布上进行绣制,
Wool needle point tapestry originated in Europe and flourished in Germany, England and France in the 17th and 19th centuries. English map is the center of cashmere embroidery, knitting skills due to in-depth life, and even as a vocation of women, the ancient royal dame is no exception. Mary I (1516-1558), Scott Queen, Queen Elizabeth (1533-1603) have had cashmere embroidery. At that time, most of the subjects of calligraphy embroidered are depicting the plot of aristocratic life, biblical stories, allegorical and rural landscapes, often with famous oil paintings. Pursuit of realistic style, realistic. The traditional method of knitting wool embroidery is “point embroidery” (Needle point), that is, the use of wool for embroidery mesh sackcloth,