National hydrological science and technology intelligence network, which has a network of 154 network units, in addition to hydropower systems, there are railways, transport, marine and forest sector of the relevant units, not only production units, research institutes, as well as college school. It not only organizes the exchange of information on hydrological science and technology both at home and abroad, but also organizes some academic activities and technical advice. It plays an active role in exploring the horizons of hydrological workers and promoting the development of hydrological science and technology in our country. In July 1985, the election of representatives of Internet users, the Office of the Hydrographic Bureau for the positive net unit, the deputy network unit is the Yellow Sea Hydrographic Bureau, Nanjing Institute of Hydrology, Chengdu Survey and Design Institute and the Liaoning Provincial Hydrological Station. Leader units: the Northeast Group is the Songliao Committee, the North China group is the Tianjin Institute, the Northwest Group is the Northwest Hospital, the Southwest Group is Kunming Hospital, Zhongnan Group is the Pearl Committee, the East China Group is the Huai.