Apricot (also known as wild apricot, Tibetan apricot) is one of China’s major wild resources. Armeniaca contains amygdalin, can not be directly consumed in large quantities, but after the debittering mountain almond is not only a high nutritional value of food raw materials, but also medicinal value. It has lungs, cough, asthma and expectorant and other functions, can also be used to treat malignant tumors. According to the latest foreign reports the United States has used its anticancer clinical. In recent days, the medical community of our country has found for the first time that it has the new medicinal value of lowering blood lipid levels of human body and animals and has obvious curative effect on hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease. The selling price of mountainous almonds that can be devastated can reach 40,000 US dollars / ton (export FOB) abroad and the sales price in China also rises to 2.9-3.8 thousand tons. Has a good market prospects.