把作业引入课堂 减轻学生课余负担

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中小学生课业负担过重是长期以来困扰我国基础教育的顽症。国家教委三令五申减轻学生课业负担、加强素质教育,加速中国教育改革的步伐,这是目前摆在我们教育工作者面前长期艰巨的任务。怎样才能把学生从繁重的课业负担中解放出来,使他们轻装投入到各种有益于素质培养与提高的活动中去呢?我认为,在改革旧的教育体制的同进,必须改革传统教学观念和模式。从目前中小学教育的实施情况出发,我做了以下探索实践——把作业引入课堂,减轻学生课余负担。现行教材内容多、要求高。因课时有限,家庭作业几乎挤占了学生大部分的课余时间,这使他们精神长期处于有张无驰的状况。学生的作业负担成了 The heavy burden of schoolwork by primary and secondary school students has long plagued the chronic diseases of our basic education. It is a long-term and arduous task now facing our educators to alleviate the burden of students’ study, strengthen quality education and accelerate the pace of education reform in China. How can we free our students from the heavy burden of schoolwork and put them into light activities that are conducive to quality cultivation and improvement? In my opinion, in the process of reforming the old education system, we must reform the traditional teaching concepts And mode. Starting from the current implementation of primary and secondary education, I did the following exploration and practice - the introduction of homework into the classroom to reduce the burden on students after school. The current teaching content and demanding. Due to limited time, homework almost occupy most of the students after-school time, which makes them a long time in the spirit of Zhang Wu Chi situation. The student’s work load has become
在奥拉朱旺和尤因分别在1984和1985年成为火箭和尼克斯的“状元”后,马刺终于等来了他们的“状元”大卫·罗宾逊,但为了这一天,圣安东尼奥人已经等了两个夏天。“很显然,罗宾逊拯救了圣安东尼奥。”比利·乔·麦克库姆斯在接受采访的时候表示:“我相信如果我们当初没有选择罗宾逊就不会有以后的事情发生,我们的历史将会大不一样。”    传奇球星的传奇生涯    1987年的选秀大会上,圣安东尼奥马刺毫不犹豫