经济的竞争,实际上是人才的竞争。新世纪伊始,城市之间的新一轮人才争夺战更加硝烟弥漫;北京降低门槛,开通绿色通道,招贤纳才,尽显大都市风采;上海也因实施人才战略,构筑新世纪的人才高地而熠熠生辉;深圳更是频抛绣球,筑巢引凤、像是镶嵌在南中国的璀璨明珠;西部大开发号角的吹响,使人感受到春风已度玉门关。西出阳关“有”故人的惬意…… 自古以来,得中原者得天下。前几年,郑州的商战已经让人们仔细地品味到中原大都市的魅力。而今,面对着愈演愈烈的城市人才争夺战,河南应该怎么办?在“东西夹击”中,怎么构筑好中部的桥头堡?这是摆在我们面前的一个十分重要的课题。
Economic competition, in fact, the talent competition. At the beginning of the new century, a new round of talent battle between cities is even more smoggy. Beijing lowered the threshold, opened a green channel and reclaimed its talents to fill the metropolitan elegance. Shanghai, on the other hand, has adopted a talent strategy to build a talent highland in the new century. Shine; Shenzhen is a frequent throwing hydrangea, Zhu Feng cited Phoenix, as inlaid in South China's shining pearl; western big horn sounded, people feel the spring has been Yumen pass. West out of the sun, “there are” the cozy people ... ... since ancient times, the Central Plains who have the world. A few years ago, Zhengzhou's commercial warfare had allowed people to carefully taste the charm of the Central Plains metropolis. Now, in the face of escalating urban talent battle, Henan should be how to do? In the “attack”, how to build a good central bridgehead? This is a very important issue before us.