20世纪 70年代以来 ,美国生产工人实际工资呈下降趋势。主流经济学采用传统的供求关系分析框架对此现象加以解释 ,他们提出两个观点 :一种观点是将工资下降和收入分配不平等的增长归因于经济对技能要求的变化 ,形成了一种“技能错配” ;另一种观点将工资下降和收入分配增长的不平等归因于全球化。但这两种观点对解释美国生产工人实际工资的下降存在明显的局限性。而激进经济学派提出的制度因素能够更合理地解释美国生产工人实际工资的下降。本文认为 ,制度因素是造成美国生产工人实际工资下降的主要原因。
Since the 1970s, the real wages of U.S. workers have been declining. Mainstream economics uses the traditional analytical framework of supply and demand to explain this phenomenon. They put forward two perspectives. One view is that the increase in wage inequality and inequality in income distribution is attributed to changes in economic skills requirements, forming a “Skill Mismatch”; another view attributed inequality in wage reductions and inequality in income distribution to globalization. However, both of these views have obvious limitations on the explanation for the drop in the real wages of U.S. workers. The institutional factors proposed by radical economics schools can explain more reasonably the real wage drop in the U.S. production workers. This article argues that the institutional factor is the main reason for the drop in the real wages of U.S. workers.