我国山东省近代黄河三角洲地区,具有着适宜于莲藕生长的气候条件,特别是在一些低洼易涝地区,选择高产优质的莲藕品种,良好的水肥管理,以及实施稻藕轮作等技术,因地制宜地发展莲藕生产,可获得显著的改土培肥效果,以及良好 的生态经济效益.
In recent years, the Yellow River Delta region of Shandong Province in our country has suitable climatic conditions for the growth of lotus root, especially in some low-lying flood prone areas, the selection of high yield and good quality varieties of lotus root, good management of water and fertilizer, and the implementation of the technology such as rice lotus root rotation, according to local conditions Lotus root production, access to significant soil improvement effect, as well as good ecological and economic benefits.