在俄罗斯退役上校工程师列夫·伊万诺维奇·德林(题图)的军旅生涯中,曾经有过一段极不寻常的经历。这位前苏联英雄、特别冒险分队的老战士向俄罗斯《红星报》记者讲述了他这段特殊经历。 “1952年4月,”列夫·伊万诺维奇一见面就打开了话匣子,“红旗布琼尼军事通信学院无线电通信工程系毕业之后,还是一位年轻大尉的我被派往卡普斯丁亚尔科学研究和试验靶场服役。我们那届毕业生有四分之一的人都分配到那里。” 当时,在阿斯特拉罕大沙漠深处的一座旧靶场,由前苏联英雄瓦西里·沃兹克上将领导的前苏联早期P-1和P-3型地地导弹的研制工作已经展开。与此同时,为了试验防空导弹综合系统,还建成了一座新靶
During his military career with Russian retired colonel engineer Lev Ivanovich Delin (pictured), there had been a very unusual experience. The former Soviet hero, a special veteran of the adventurous unit, told his Russian Red Star reporter about his special experience. “In April 1952,” Lev Ivanovich opened the chatterbox upon his arrival. “After graduating from the Department of Radio Communication Engineering at Bujumbura Military Academy, I was sent to be a young captain. Capstallar Scientific Research and Testing Range served, and a quarter of our graduates were allocated. ”At that time, an old shooting range deep in the Astrakhan Desert was covered by The development of early P-1 and P-3 ground-based missiles, led by former Soviet hero Vasily Wozek, has been carried out. In the meantime, a new target has also been built to test a comprehensive anti-aircraft missile system