Finding Out the Sociolinguistic Nature of Code—switching by Analyzing the Communication in Universi

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  Abstract: This paper tries to find out the sociolinguistic nature and its social significances of code-switching by analyzing the communication in university between students. The code-switching in university mainly includes three type such as, the code-switching between standard Chinese and local dialects, the code-switching between Chinese and English, the code-switching between daily dialogue and university catchwords. Each one will be presented one or two examples. After analyzing the cases, it will give the findings of nature and its social significances of code-switching.
  Key words: code-switching; sociolinguistic; code-switching types; social significance
  Code-switching is a term in sociolinguistics. It refers to the interactions of two languages of the same language users. To be exact, it is the alternate use of two or more languages, dialects or various styles or the conscious alternate use of two different languages in the same context or the alternate use of different language systems due to a party's taste and topics in talks (McCormick, 2001:447).
  Some scholars, for example, Shaffer (1978) has pointed out that code switching, which excludes the use of individual words but regards a phrase as a unit, is quite different from borrowing. DiPiefro (1976) thinks that code switching refers to the use of two or more languages in the process of verbal communicative behavior. Meanwhile, it is agreed by Ovardo and Collier (1985) that code switching is the alternate use of two languages, which can occur in words, phrases, clauses and sentences forms. Finally, linguists believe that code switching is the proficient bilingual scholars' creative use of languages.
  This article aims to find out the sociolinguistic nature and its social significances of code-switching from analyzing some actual cases in university.
  2Types of code-switching and some cases
  Communicative group in university is different from the whole social group. For this group, students and teachers are its representatives in the aspect of its structure; while in the aspect of age structure, “young” is its label. All these natural properties determine that the code-switching in university has its own types and properties.
  2.1The code-switching between standard Chinese and local dialects
  Standard Chinese is the first “permit” for university communication. Almost every teacher and student can speak standard Chinese. However, they may be from different areas and have their own local dialects. Therefore, in the daily communication, there is a necessity of occurring code-switching between standard Chinese and local dialects. In fact, it widely exists in university and almost happens on any person.   Case 1: There are three students who are form different provinces, two are from Shandong province, and the third one is from Jiangsu province. They are talking about last night sleep in dormitory.
  Case 1:A: 夜來后航,俺睡冒装了,就从炕上起来,那时候屋里区黑,啥都看不见.(山东话)
  就在他俩谈论的时候另一个同学 说话了。
  C:A 你刚才 说的是什么意思啊?(普通话)
  In this case, A and B are from the same area using the same dialects, so they can speak their own dialect to talk. However, C cannot understand their talk, because he is from southern area where the dialects are very different from the northern part. At that time, A and B must use standard Chinese to explain it. So, he switches Shandong dialect to standard Chinese. Therefore, the code-switching between standard Chinese and local dialect always occurs when there is a contact between people from different regions. So, the code-switching, just like a bridge, can help people from different regions to finish normal communications thus, establishing good relationship with other people.
  2. 2The code-switching between Chinese and English
  Firstly, English is the required course for almost everyone in university. To study English has become a trend in university, whether it is because of the force of passing the CET-4 and CET-6 or one’s willingness. Second, the globalization has increased the speed of English spread, which greatly influences the university and becomes one of university culture. Therefore, code-switching between Chinese and English is often seen in university. This kind of code-switching includes the switching between standard Chinese and English and local dialects and English.
  Case 2: 两名河南籍学生小李和小琴 在操场上相遇。
  留学生:Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the laboratory?
  小李:It’s in the red building over there.
  留学生:Thank you
  小李:You are welcome
  Case 3 宿舍里,好朋友小芳和小红因为一件小事闹的不愉快。
  In this case, we can see that Xiao Li and Xiao Qin are He Nan people so, when they meet each other, they usually speak their local dialect. But when the foreign student asked them questions, the participator changed and the so did the communicative topic, thus, the switching from the local dialect to English happened. After the foreign student left, they returned to the former dialect, changing from English to dialect. We can see that, the code-switching between Chinese and English always occurs when there is a need of using English to complete a communication behavior. Therefore, in my opinion, the code-switching depends on the situation in which the participator encounters and also their need. In other words, any change of participator, communicative situation and topic in communication can cause the occurrence of code-switching. The second case shows that the code switching can be used for expressing some severe words because it can mitigate the tone of speak. In this case, in order to save the face of friend, Xiao Hong used “selfish” instead of “自私”.she switched the code, which not only express her meaning but also save friend’s face. So, the code-switching can also be used for reflecting the social strategy. In contrast, when the code-switching occurs, it can also reflect the change of social situation.   2.3The code-switching between daily dialogue and university catchwords
  When studying the language deviation, the sociolinguists always refer to the age factor, so age is a very important factor. In general, the dialects of new generation have many new words and the students in university are young and have a strong creative and imitation power. They have their own language with its special meaning, thus, forming the university catchwords. It is always used between students or limited in university.
  Case 4: 在某男生宿舍内,大志和室友的对话。
  Case 5: 小明和小伟在谈论上课睡觉的问题。
  In this case, they use the daily dialogue to talk but in their dialogue, there are some university catchwords. The speakers use the catchwords instead of daily words to express the meaning to reach an effect that they can make the dialogue in an atmosphere of relax and humor, so that the dialogue can not only pull close the distance between each other but also make them feel happy. Therefore, the code-switching between daily dialogue and university catchwords always occurs when the speakers try to use a more relax and humor way to not only finish the dialogue but also can make a good relationship with each other. In other words, the code-switching can reflect social mentality.
  From the above discussion, it may be concluded that code switching is not language interference on the basis that it supplements speech. Its sociolinguistic benefits have also been identified as a means of communicative solidarity, or affiliation to a particular social group. Nevertheless, code switching should be viewed from the perspective of providing a linguistic advantage rather than an obstruction in communication.
  Furthermore, code switching allows a speaker to convey attitudes and other emotions with a method available to those who are bilingual and again serves to offer the speaker more advantages, which is just like boldfacing or underlining in a textual document to emphasize certain points.
  Therefore, in the communication of university, the code-switching has its own features. Usually, the three types of code-switching can be seen every day in university. So, it has important social significances. Code-switching can reflect the social situation and mentality as well as the social strategy. Hoping this article can give a better understanding of code-switching in university.
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摘要: 中职院校办学理念是f  培养高技能的蓝领工人,体育科目作为素质教育中的重点部分近年来得到了教育改革的广泛关注,文章从当前中职院校体育教学中存在的问题展开探讨,重点介绍改革优化措施,并配合当前的教学模式提出了几点有效建议,促进体育教育改革高效落实,与中职院校发展规划紧密配合。  关键词: 中职院校;体育教学;教育改革  【中图分类号】G424  【文献标识码】B  【文章编号】2236-18
摘要: 《国务院关于基础教育课程改革与发展的决定》“鼓励合作学习,促进学生间的相互交流,共同发展,促进师生教学相长”这一决定要求学校教育必须适应社会环境,教师必须拥有创新意识,并能够使用新的育人理念,使“自主学习、小组合作”的理念落到实处,从而改变当下不容乐观的教学状况。  关键词: 小组互助;英语;自主学习;模式  【中图分类号】G622.3  【文献标识码】B  【文章编号】2236-1879
摘要: 语文知识的学习是生活中重要的社交工具方式之一,语文知识的获取途径主要是通过语文课的学习,或是课下课余时间的积累,在语文教学这一过程中,班主任起着至关重要的作用,班主任利用自身的身份优势,在语文课堂上除了要做好管理者工作后,还要尽可能的激发学生的学习语文兴趣,在逐步增加学生的语文知识的积累,提升其学生的语文各项表达能力。为此,本文主要结合实际教学经验,展开班主任在初中语文教学中如何实施更为有
摘要: 新媒体是指在新的计算机网络技术支持下的媒体传播形式,本身具有先进、方便、互动性和渗透性强等特点,已成为思想政治教育最重要的载体和工具,必将给思想政治教育带来新的发展机遇和机会。当然,任何事情都具有两面性,新媒体环境在带来自由开放世界的同时,其本身的隐秘性和虚拟性也给高校思想政治教育工作带来了挑战。也就是说,新媒体环境对我们开展高校思想政治教育实效机制提供了新的课题,而发挥新媒体作用,促使高
摘要: 伴随着素质教育的不断施行,广大教育教学工作者,新增了一个重要的教育教学任务,那就是要确保每一名学生都能够在学校得到最全面的发展,不容许任何一名学生脱离正常教学节奏,要竭尽全力消除掉一直存在的“学困生”群体,激发起他们学习知识和应用知识的兴趣与积极性,真正完成好学困生的转化工作。本文将从小学语文教学入手,就如何提高学困生对小学语文知识的学习兴趣进行深入的分析与探究。  关键字: 小学;语文教
摘要: 新课改以来,我国对于教育事业的开展提出了新的要求,要求教师在教学过程中不仅要注重教学内容的讲解,还要注重素质教育的开展,而在实际教学的过程中,我们却发现,很多教师针对于素质教育的开展重视程度都不是很高,进而使得素质教育开展存在很多的问题。本文将结合当前我校英语素质教育开展现状,探讨在英语课堂教学过程中开展素质教育的方法和措施。  关键词: 素质教育;英语课堂;教育;现状;对策  【中图分类
摘要: 现今社会的发展造就出来的是一批批性格迥异的初中生,不可否认的是,知识水平明显有所提高,但是思想水平开始普遍下降,学生的思想出现分化,发展的环境下带来人格的错乱,对初中生来说,是人生学习阶段的过渡期,是相对来说较为成熟的自由学习空间,在这个时期,要注重的是初中生的思想政治教育。  关键词: 初中生;思想政治;教育方法  【中图分类号】G622.3  【文献标识码】B  【文章编号】2236-
摘要:  初中的数学教学是我国数学教育的重要阶段,如何创建出符合素质教育要求的高效课堂已经成为人们在探索的方向。在教学中教师必须要将学生摆在教育的首位,重视以学生为主体的和谐课堂氛围的营造,让学生拥有足够的兴趣融入到课堂学习之中,并在课堂之中完成对问题的思考及对知识的探索,同时教师还要善于利用高新技术教学手段来开展数学教学,进而使学生全方位的体会数学知识的内涵及其应用价值,让初中学生在彼此的配合之
摘要: 语文的学习可以说是各科学习的基础,小学语文的教育更是需要我们采取不同的措施来促进,我们不但要提升教学的策略,教学的模式,更重要的是让学生切身体会到学习的乐趣所在,文章内结合了小学语文的策略和模式进行了分析,并提出了学生学好语文的有效方法。  关键词: 小学语文;教学模式;课堂教学  【中图分类号】G622.3  【文献标识码】B  【文章编号】2236-1879(2017)08-0074-
摘要: 小学高年级学生,处在人生的起步价段,这个阶段的学生因为年龄等特征,经受着来自自身和外界的困扰,容易产生心理问题。要摆脱这种局面,作为学校,必须坚持以学校系统教育为主,家庭同步配合,争取得到社区,甚至社会给予的支持,形成教育合力,从而为这个阶段的青少年的发展创造一个良好的教育环境,促使他们身心健康成长,成为社会有用之才。  关键词: 小学高年级学生;青春期;学校教育;家长学校;家庭教育  【