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构建语文课上的三维对话,是新课标对大家提出的要求。一段时期以来,对如何引导学生与文本对话,不少朋友却不甚明了,以致有些对话变成了对文本的简单演化与粗糙理解,为了对话而对话。在本次讨论中,我们欣喜地看到,不少老师对如何引导学生与文本对话,已有了自己的认识,他们不仅在自己的教学实践中进行琢磨研究,还注意从名师的案例中理出方法和要点,加以借鉴,提高自己的教学水平。另外,如江苏的刘吉才、福建的黄大权、陈明瑞等不少朋友的来稿也都有自己的独到见解,但由于篇幅的限制未能刊出,请大家谅解。 The construction of the three-dimensional dialogue in the Chinese class is a requirement of the new curriculum standard. Since a certain period of time, many friends have not understood how to guide students in dialogue with texts, so some dialogues have become simple evolution and rough understanding of texts and dialogue for dialogue. In this discussion, we are delighted to see that many teachers already have their own understanding of how to guide students in dialogue with texts. They not only study and study in their own teaching practice, but also pay attention to the case studies of famous teachers Methods and points out, to learn from, improve their teaching level. In addition, Liu Jicai, Jiangsu Province, Huang Daquan, Chen Mingrui and many other contributors also have their own unique insights, but due to space limitations failed to publish, please understand.
小学生的阅读不仅需要童话般的渲染,也需要生活经验的渗透,更需要真实情感的点缀。将阅读与生活,用情感链接起来,架构起学生阅读体验的桥梁,阅读又是教育一道靓丽的风景。 P
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