春节又在人们经意与不经意间翩然而至。节日总是要给人以喜庆的,尤其是这传演上千年的新春佳节,更是要人不得不为之筹措一番,亲人们近的要回家,远的跋涉千里也要着家,吃的喝的用的玩的全都备齐了,到时,斛筹交措,欢声笑语,响彻城镇,回荡乡野——这不能不让人感到浓浓的醉意。 然而,近两年,假冒伪劣商品屡禁不止,侵害消费者权益事件时有发生,这些给我们的生活蒙上了一层阴影。时至佳节,为了家人的安康,为了节日的祥和,我们在准备年货时尽可能多地掌握一些购物常识,便也算是切实之需了。
Spring Festival and people inadvertently inadvertently come. Festivals are always to give people a festive, especially the performance of the Spring Festival on thousands of years, but also people have to raise a lot of their loved ones who are going home, thousands of miles away from home, All the food and drink used for eating and drinking have been prepared. When the time comes, the animals will raise money and laughter, sounded in the town and reverberated in the countryside - this can not but make people feel drunk. However, in the past two years, fake and shoddy goods have been repeatedly banned and infringements on consumers’ rights and interests have taken place. These have cast a shadow over our lives. When it comes to the festive season, for the sake of family and the well-being of festivals, we must master some of the common sense of shopping when preparing for the New Year holidays.