天下父母皆望子成龙,都想从兴趣入手培养孩子的一技之长,但必须注意以下几点: 一、遵循自然 顺应本性 陶行知先生说过:“人人都说小孩小,其实人小心不小,你若小看小孩小,你比小孩还要小。”大人们总喜欢用社会既定模式或自己的意愿、期望去塑造自己的孩子,而忘了孩子的真正的兴趣和禀赋。因此,常常出现违背孩子的主观意愿的做法。其结果是,要么孩子被动接纳而缺乏热情,要么按其主观意志却遭到父母的百般阻挠。这样会导致孩子产生极强的逆反心理。
All parents want their children to be successful, but they must pay attention to the following points: First, follow the nature to conform to the nature Tao Xingzhi said: “Everyone says children are small, in fact, people are not careful, you If you underestimate your child, you are even smaller than a child. ”Adults often like to use socially determined patterns or their own will to look forward to shaping their children and forgetting their true interests and gifts. Therefore, there is often a tendency to violate children’s subjective wishes. As a result, either the passive acceptance of the child and lack of enthusiasm, or according to their subjective will have been obstructed by their parents. This will lead to children have a strong rebellious.