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小学阶段的学生处在学习语文的重要时期,尤其是小学低年级阶段。低年级学生的写话水平直接影响后期的作文水平,因此小学语文教师要意识到写话教学的重要性,注重培养学生的写话能力,为学生能有较高的作文水平奠定基础。一、注重培养学生的模仿能力小学低年级是语文学习的关键时期,该时期的学生具有较强的模仿能力,教师应多引导学生进行模仿写话。教师可以借助教材中的一些字、词、句、短 Primary school students are in an important period of learning Chinese, especially in the lower primary school stage. Therefore, the primary Chinese teachers should be aware of the importance of writing teaching, pay attention to cultivating students’ ability of writing, and lay the foundation for students to have a higher level of writing. First, pay attention to cultivate students’ ability to imitate The lower grades of primary school is the key period of language learning, during this period the students have a strong ability to imitate, teachers should guide students to imitate writing more. Teachers can use some of the textbooks, words, sentences, short
陈仪的一生是错综复杂的。作为军人,他军衔至上将;作为行政长官,他做过福建、浙江、台湾三个重要省份的“一把手”。他信仰孙中山的三民主义,为人为政方正清廉;他一生都在辛劳奔波,却四处碰壁,起伏跌宕,褒贬有加,可谓“失败与成功齐飞,黯然共璀璨一色”。  “一部失败史”  如果陈仪没有改名字,那么在国共两军的历史上,双方都有一个名将叫“陈毅”。陈仪,原名陈毅,字公侠,1883年生于浙江绍兴。陈仪在20岁和