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魏杰:1952年生于西安,1974年毕业于西安师范政教科,1977年考取西北大学经济学本科;1979年考取西北大学经济学研究生;1984年考取中国人民大学经济学博士,历任中国人民大学经济研究所副所长、副教授、教授、经济系主任、博导;1996年调任国家国资局研究所所长;1999年调任清华大学经济管理学院教授、博导;任企业战略与政策系主任。著有《企业制度安排》、《企业战略选择》、《企业文化塑造》、《企业前沿问题》、《市场经济前沿问题》等几十本著作。20世纪80年代后期两度获“孙冶方经济学奖”;1991年被评为“国家级有特殊贡献的中青年专家”;担任中国国有资产管理学会副会长;中国环境文化促进会副会长等。 Wei Jie: Born in Xi’an in 1952, graduated from Xi’an Teachers College in 1974, graduated from Northwestern University in economics in 1977, obtained his postgraduate degree in economics from Northwestern University in 1979, and obtained a doctorate in economics from Renmin University of China in 1984, Deputy director, associate professor, professor, director of the Department of Economics, Ph.D., director of the Institute of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of China in 1996, and professor and director of School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University in 1999, director of the Department of Enterprise Strategy and Policy. He is the author of dozens of books such as “Enterprise System Arrangement,” “Enterprise Strategy Choice,” “Corporate Culture Building,” “Enterprise Frontier Issues,” and “Market Economy Frontier Issues.” In the late 1980s, he won the “Sun Yefang Economics Prize” twice; “The young and middle-aged expert with special contribution at the national level” in 1991; Vice Chairman of China State-owned Assets Management Institute; China Environmental Culture Promotion Vice president and so on.
记者:河南是一个农业大省,也是乡镇企业、民营企业较为集中的地区, 实施东西合作示范工程,对河南具有重要的意义。请问李局长,党中央、国务 院实施这一战略决策的历史背景是
目的研究南海海域Euplexaura rhipidalis种属柳珊瑚的丙酮提取物及其不同溶剂萃取部位的抗肿瘤活性,探讨最强活性部位可能的作用机制。方法丙酮提取物及其萃取部位作用于人肺
该研磨设备采用同心砂纸粗磨和偏心油石精磨相结合,有效地提高研磨速度和精度,全部过程由液压控制。该产品具有结构 The grinding equipment used concentric sand paper g
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