【摘 要】
When the spring and summer seasons alternate, the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients in the hospital will show an increasing trend. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are common diseases that seriously endanger the life and health. To prevent cardiovascular disease, we must first maintain stable blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the major risk factors for stroke. Regardless of whether systolic or diastolic blood pressure is elevated, it is directly proportional to the incidence of stroke and is independent of age and gender.
A balanced bipartition of a graph G is a partition of V(G) into two subsets V1 and V2 that differ in cardinality by at most 1.A minimum balanced bipartition
“Water is the source of life, but the
Hajos conjectured that every simple even graph on n vertices can be decomposed into at most (n-1)/2 cycles (see L.Lovasz, On covering of graphs, in: P.Erdos
一念之差,真爱已不再有 对于一个破灭了大学梦而又不忍再让下岗父母养活的女孩来说,外出打工是惟一的出路。 辗转到北京一家酒楼当服务员,已是我的第三个工作了。和女伴一起出来时,父母有言在先:不许进酒店包房当小姐,咱宁肯饿死也不做辱没家门的事。我牢记在心,先在浙江村一家服装厂当缝纫工,太苦太闷受不了,不久便离开了。后来又做了一段时间化妆品直销员,台风般的宣传横扫过去后,商情冷漠,我不得不再找工作。这
A perfect (t, w, v;m)-threshold scheme is a simple w-uniform hypergraph (X,A), where X is a set of v points (which we refer to as shadows), together with a
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