The stranger under the waterfall 瀑布之下

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  It was last August. We were on vacation in a popular spot called Diana’s Baths. We wouldn’t see friends or family—it would be just me, my husband, and our two kids out for a nice and safe week away. The baths were full of families, so we made our way to one of the upper levels of rock to keep our distance during the pandemic.
  At first, everything seemed to go smoothly. Then, seconds later, I turned and saw my son Wyatt sitting down between two large rocks in afast-moving stream. And then he disappeared over the edge.
  All I remember from the moments after is screaming, over and over, “Somebody helps my son! # I didn’t even know what help he needed, because I couldn’t force myself to look. My husband was already sprinting (短距离疾跑)down the rocks. I finally looked. Wyatt was sitting up一he was alive. My biggest fear was erased. As I held my younger son, Jed, close, I heard another woman scream. “That child just went over the waterfall! # she shouted at her husband. "We are leaving! # They walked away, never even looking back to see whether our child was OK.
  It was about 12 feet from the top of the waterfall to the pool below, which was studded (布滿) with huge rocks. Wyatt had fallen on his back, straight onto the rocks. That’s what Lisa told us. We didn’t know her name was Lisa at that point. All we knew was that while everyone else looked on from
  distance, too afraid or unbothered to help, this woman didn’t hesitate. In fact, by the time I had climbed down the rocks and my husband had pulled Wyatt out of the water, she had already called 911. She told me that she was a nurse. She gave Wyatt a red, white, and blue striped towel to put under his head. I finally had the chance to ask her name. "Lisa,"she said, "and I’m not leaving you."
  The rescue team came. They took Wyatt out of the park on a stretcher (担架).An ambulance took us to a hospital. As soon as I knew that Wyatt was going to be OK, my thoughts fell to Lisa. If she had not stepped up, would someone else have done so? Perhaps. But she was the one who went toward the unthinkable instead of turning away.
  1. Why did the author and her family go to one of the upper levels of rock?
  A. To enjoy better scenery.
  B. To draw others’attention.
  C. To avoid being interrupted by others.
  D. To keep themselves socially distanced.
  2. What did the author’s husband do to save his son?
  A. He called an ambulance.B. He screamed for others’help.
  C. He ran quickly towards his son.D. He called 911 at once.
  3. What can be inferred about another screaming woman?
  A. She was a nurse.
  B. She prepared to help save the kid.
  C. She was forced to leave by her husband.
  D. She seemed indifferent to the dangerous situation.
  4. Which word can be used to describe Lisa?
  A. Proud.B. Helpful.
  C. Particular.D. Humorous.
  My biggest fear was erased.我最大的恐惧已经被消除了 # erase 1.消除
  e.g. All doubts were suddenly erased from his mind.他心中所有的疑虑突然烟消云散了 #
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