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  1 Cross your fingers to make a wish come true
  It is said that bad luck is trapped at the point where the two fingers meet. So when we cross our fingers, we stop the bad luck from escaping and allow our wishes to come true.
  2 Pulling out a gray hair will cause more to grow
  People have always thought that hair had magical powers, and there are many superstitions about human hair. One belief is that pulling out a single gray or white hair will cause ten more to grow in its place.
  3 Fingernail clippings must not be left for others to find
  An old American belief says that fingernails can be used to cast spells on their owner. The clippings[剪下的东西] must never be left around for the evil spirits to find. To be safe they should be burned or buried.
  4 Cutting the wedding cake切结婚蛋糕
  The wedding cake has always stood for good fortune and fertility[多产]. The bride[新娘], with the help of her groom[新郎], must cut the first piece as a sign that they will share all possessions in the future.
  5 Choosing the wedding date择婚礼吉日
  The Romans believed the Juno, their goddess[女神] of women, blessed marriages that took place in her month. So June is considered the perfect month for marriage.
  6 The groom must not see the bride before the wedding婚礼前回避
  Among the many superstitions concerning the wedding ceremony is the custom that the groom must not see his bride before the wedding ceremony. To do so would be a sign of submission[服从] to her family.
Losing a pet is rough, but breaking up with your best friend can be much more traumatizing[受创伤]. Find out how to deal when your best friendship becomes totally jeopardized[危害的].  失去一只宠物的感觉很难受,但要是跟你最好的
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