赵权利(本刊栏目主持,以下简称赵):自古以来,墨作为有别于黑色颜料的一种绘画材料,在国画创作中一直扮演着十分重要的角色。请从历史、观念及创作的角度谈谈墨在国画中的重要性。 龙瑞(中国艺术研究院美术研究所所长,以下简称龙):中国的墨早在西周时期已经出现。当时,黑色的人造墨为松烟所制,它作为一种特殊的绘画用材,此后便代替了普通的黑色颜料,成为中国绘画最主要的媒材。
Zhao Quanli (chaired by the column, hereinafter referred to as Zhao): Since ancient times, ink as a different from the black paint of a painting material, in the creation of Chinese painting has been playing a very important role. Please talk about the importance of ink in Chinese painting from the perspective of history, concept and creation. Long Rui (director of Institute of Fine Arts, China Academy of Art, hereinafter referred to as the dragon): China’s ink as early as the Western Zhou Dynasty has emerged. At that time, the black man-made ink was made from loose smoke. As a special painting material, it replaced the ordinary black pigment and became the most important medium of Chinese painting.