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April to October, 1997 comparative studies on the nitrogen budgets of closed shrimp polyculture systems showed that, in all the studied polyculture systems, nitrogen from feeds and fertilizers were the main input items, which comprised 70.7%-83.9% of the total input nitrogen, 3.2%-7.4% of which was provided by nitrogen fixation. It was in monoculture enclosures (Y 4, Y 11 and Y 12) that the percentage reached the maximum value. The output nitrogen in harvested products comprised 10.8%-24.6% of total input nitrogen, and the highest percentage, 24.6%, was found in shrimp fish tagelus polyculture systems. In shrimp monoculture and shrimp fish polyculture systems, they were 19.1% and 21.9%, respectively. The nitrogen utilization efficiency was different and varied from 12.2% to 20.1%. The highest, 20.1%, was found in shrimp fish tagelus polyculture systems, and the average of 20.0% was found in shrimp tagelus polyculture systems. The lowest, 12.2%, was found in shrimp monoculture systems. All the nitrogen utilization efficiencies in shrimp fish systems or shrimp scallop systems seemed to be higher than that of the monoculture system, but they showed little statistical difference. The main outputs of nitrogen were found in sediment mud, and comprised 48.2%-60.8% of the total input, the lowest percentage was found in shrimp fish tagelus polyculture systems, and the highest percentage in shrimp scallop systems. During the experiment, nitrogen lost through denitrification and ammonia volatilization comprised 1.9%-6.2%, averaged 2.8%, of the total input, and the loss through seepage comprised 5.9%-8.9% of the total. The estimated nitrogen attached to the enclosure wall comprised 3.7%-13.3% of the total, and was highest in shrimp monoculture systems. Compared with the classic shrimp farming industry, the closed shrimp polyculture systems may improve the nitrogen utilization efficiency, and hence reduce the environmental impacts on coastal waters. The nitrogen discharging rates for all the studied polyculture systems ranged from 3.0% to 6.0% of total input nitrogen. April to October, 1997 comparative studies on the nitrogen budgets of closed shrimp polyculture systems showed that, in all the studied polyculture systems, nitrogen from feeds and fertilizers were the main input items, which comprised 70.7% -83.9% of the total input nitrogen, It was in monoculture enclosures (Y 4, Y 11 and Y 12) that the percentage reached the maximum value. The output nitrogen in harvested products was 10.8% -24.6% of total In nitrogen and the highest percentage, 24.6%, was found in shrimp fish tagelus polyculture systems. They were 19.1% and 21.9%, respectively. The nitrogen utilization efficiency was different and varied from 12.2% to 20.1%. The highest, 20.1%, was found in shrimp fish tagelus polyculture systems, and the average of 20.0% was found in shrimp tagelus polyculture systems. The lowest, 12.2%, was found in shrimp monoculture the main outputs of nitrogen were found in sediment mud, and 48.2% -60.8 % of the total input, the lowest percentage was found in shrimp fish tagelus polyculture systems, and the highest percentage in shrimp scallop systems. During the experiment, nitrogen lost through denitrification and ammonia volatilization comprised 1.9% -6.2%, averaged 2.8%, of The total input, and the loss through seepage comprised 5.9% -8.9% of the total. The estimated nitrogen attached to the enclosure wall comprised 3.7% -13.3% of the total, and was highest in shrimp monoculture systems. Compared with the classic shrimp farming industry, the closed shrimp polyculture systems may improve the nitrogen utilization efficiency, and hence reduce the environmental impacts on coastal waters. The nitrogen discharging rates for all the studied polyculture systems ranged from 3.0% to 6.0% of total input nitrogen.
前列腺癌在老年人是多见的,其21%可能伴低磷血症。源于间质的肿瘤常见有骨软化,后者于肿瘤切除后缓解。而源于内胚层的肿瘤-前列腺癌(pros-tatic carcinoma,PC)并发低磷血症
肾病综合征30例经检查呈高凝状态。其中纤溶酶原与血小板伸展率可作为判断高凝状态变化的指标。而抗凝血酶Ⅲ的改 Nephrotic syndrome in 30 cases showed hypercoagulable
病例报告 例1 患者,男,57岁。因“高血压病”15年,右侧偏瘫、失语2天,诊断为脑血管意外,于1984年1月26日入院。当时神志清楚,血压22.7/14.7kPa(170/110mmHg),心率72,血肌酐1
极少数乳糜尿可以引起休克,称为重度乳糜尿或乳糜休克。我们曾收治1例,在诊断和治疗上都值得吸取教训。现报告如下。 男,65岁、间歇性乳糜尿20年,胸痛,乏力,纳差,乳糜尿加重