历史上的军事帝国(三十四) 漫谈帝国的名君、名臣与名将(中)

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长久的帝国需要教育上期我们谈到文化和军事知识的传承对于人才遴选和供应的决定性影响,由于知识的学习需要人脱产并消耗大量的资源才能深入进行,因此古代的劳动生产率低下,能供养后代进行系统知识学习的都是少数家庭。这里引申谈一个问题:单纯就能量转换的角度来看,游牧文明的效率不算太低,但是他们的生产效率是依靠将人类聚居密度降低,让单位人口占有的土地面积和相应的物质资源尽量增大实现的,因此他们在保持了生产效率的 The Last Empire Needs Education Last week we talked about the decisive influence of the inheritance of cultural and military knowledge on the selection and supply of talent. Since the learning of knowledge required people to go into full production and consume a large amount of resources for further work, the ancient labor productivity was low and could support future generations There are a few families who study system knowledge. Here we are going to talk about one issue: Nomads are not too inefficient simply in terms of energy conversion. However, their production efficiency depends on reducing the density of human settlements and maximizing the area of ​​land occupied by the unit population and the corresponding material resources Increased realization, so they are maintaining productivity
偶然从在医院工作的母亲口中得知李老师的消息,关于这位启蒙恩师的记忆便浮于眼前。  李老师原名李林英,是我小学时期的第一任班主任,教语文科,四十岁上下。个子小巧,身形圆润,皮肤白而透亮。一头乌黑的短发简洁而不失干练,眼睛不大,典型的丹凤眼,加之爱笑的缘故,眼角總是微微上扬,稍显出几丝淡淡的皱纹,伴随出岁月的痕迹。她鼻梁高挺,鼻头长而尖,好似标准化模具造出来的,好看极了。在我儿时的记忆中,绸质白衬衣与