在20℃以下的温度条件下,促进温州蜜柑花芽的生理分化,而其后的高温条件,则急速地进行花芽的形态分化(井上1981)。但即使在不能诱导花芽分化的高温条件下(25℃),若有6个月土壤的强度干燥,则有花芽分化的可能(井上1984)。因此,本试验着手在不利诱发花芽分化的温度条件下,采用土壤干燥的水份胁迫处理,调查不同水份胁迫强度和时期对花芽分化的影响。同时,调查分析对柑桔花芽生理分化起重要作用的赤霉素活性变化。 材料及方法 枳砧兴津早生在春梢一
Physiological differentiation of Satsuma mandarin flower buds was promoted at temperatures below 20 ° C, whereas morphological differentiation of flower buds rapidly progressed at subsequent high temperature conditions (Inoue 1981). However, flower bud differentiation was possible if the intensity of soil was dry for 6 months even at high temperature (25 ° C), which could not induce flower bud differentiation (Inoue 1984). Therefore, under the condition of unfavorable inducement of flower bud differentiation, we tried to use water-stress treatment of dry soil to investigate the effect of different water stress intensity and period on flower bud differentiation. At the same time, the change of gibberellin activity, which plays an important role in the physiological differentiation of citrus flower buds, was investigated and analyzed. Materials and methods Zhisheng Zhaoshen early in spring shoot one