案例教学法是一种以案例为基础的教学法(case-based teaching),通过案例呈现一种情境,籍此特定的解决之道获取感性知识技能。教师在案例教学中进行文本细读训练,使学生通过文本细读手段直面职业岗位上的案例文本、感受职业氛围、汲取知识片段,并尝试进行相关的实践练习。文本细读是学习必备的思维活动。
Case-based pedagogy is a case-based teaching that presents a context through case studies, acquiring sensory knowledge and skills through specific solutions. Teachers practice text intensive reading in case teaching so that students can read professional case texts, read professional passages, learn knowledge fragments and try relevant practical exercises through textual reading. Thin text reading is an essential thinking activity.