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目的探讨活体肾移植供肾多支血管的处理及重建方法。方法 49例供体,供肾有多支动脉变异45例,有多支静脉变异7例,其中3例为肾动脉、静脉同时多支血管变异。供肾切取术中,对于供血面积直径小于3cm且影响操作的分支动脉,术中即予结扎、离断;多支静脉,如直径为主干的1/3以下且试夹闭该静脉未发现明显淤血等血液回流障碍者,给予结扎、离断。5例采用体外血管重建。受体肾移植术中根据分支动脉管径、长度及位置及受者髂动脉和腹壁下动脉的情况等综合条件来选择受者相应的动脉吻合。结果 48例动脉分支吻合者在开放血流后搏动良好、吻合口通畅,术后1~7d内肾功能恢复正常、术后1~2周彩色多普勒超声检查,提示该分支动脉供血区域丰富。肾静脉分支结扎者未发现淤血现象。1例高龄供肾者发生肾功能延迟恢复。术后无出血、肾动脉栓塞、尿瘘、输尿管坏死和新发高血压等并发症。结论正确处理移植肾多支血管变异,可获得良好移植效果。 Objective To investigate the treatment and reconstruction of multiple renal vessels in living donor kidney transplantation. Methods Forty-nine donors were divided into three groups: multiple branches of arteries in 45 cases, multiple branches of veins in 7 cases, of which 3 cases were renal arteries and veins. Nephrectomy, for the blood supply area diameter less than 3cm and affect the operation of the branch artery, intraoperative ligation and rupture; multiple branches, such as the diameter of the backbone of 1/3 and try to clamp the vein was not significantly Congestion and other blood reflux disorder, to give ligation, off. Five patients underwent revascularization in vitro. Recipient renal transplantation in accordance with the diameter of the branch artery, length and location of the recipient and the iliac artery and abdominal artery under the conditions such as the overall conditions to choose the recipient corresponding arterial anastomosis. Results 48 cases of arterial branch anastomosis after open blood flow pulsating well, anastomotic patency, within 1 ~ 7d after renal function returned to normal, 1 ~ 2 weeks after color Doppler ultrasound, suggesting that the branched artery is rich in regional blood supply . Renal vein branch ligation found no congestion. One case of elderly patients with renal function delayed recovery. No postoperative bleeding, renal artery embolism, urinary fistula, ureteral necrosis and new complications such as hypertension. Conclusion Correct treatment of multi-vessel grafts in renal allografts can achieve good transplantation results.
目的 探讨院前急救如何对严重颅脑外伤患者进行抢救,以减少伤残率和死亡率.方法 68例颅脑损伤患者均接受院前和转送途中病情变化的对症处理.结果 68例严重颅脑损伤患者经院前
〔关键词〕附子;中药;十八反  〔中图分类号〕R282.7〔文献标识码〕A〔文章编号〕1009-6019-(2010)04-42-01    世人畏附子,如畏虎豹,却不知回阳救逆千古第一药也。  《神农本草经》言:“味辛温。主风寒咳逆邪气,温中,金创,破症坚积聚,血瘕,寒温痿,躄拘挛,脚痛,不能行步。生山谷”。  《伤寒论》中,应用附子之方20余首,回阳救逆之四逆汤更用生附子,强人取一大者,服之。
目的 研究米索前列醇直肠分次给药预防高危产妇产后出血的疗效.方法 前瞻性研究2007年1月~2009年6月有产后出血高危因素的孕妇随机分为试验组64例(催产素20IU+米索前列醇200μ
目的:评价卡介菌多糖核酸治疗特应性皮炎的临床疗效.方法:治疗组45例,给予卡介菌多糖核酸0.35 mg,肌内注射隔日1次,同时口服西替利嗪10 mg每日一次;对照组30例,口服西替利嗪,