看到2月17日《南方日报》摄影报道《茫茫人海见毒瘤》,我的视线久久地停留于此。这些触目惊心的画面令人窒息! 《茫茫人海见毒瘤》为读者揭开了广州火车站广场及周边地区触目惊心的一幕:一群盲流沉迷吸毒,不能自拔。这组照片犹如一把锋利的手术刀,以铁证如山的事实向人们解剖了“毒瘤”的内部。一方面,再次向读者敲起了警钟:毒品猛于虎,切莫近毒品;另一方面,试图引起有关部门的重视,唤起疗救的希望。
See Feb. 17, “Nanfang Daily” coverage of photography, “a big crowd to see tumor”, my eyes stay here for a long time. These shocking picture is suffocating! “The vast sea see cancer” opened the reader for the Guangzhou Railway Station Square and the surrounding area shocking scene: a group of blind flow addicted to drugs, can not extricate themselves. This group of photos is like a sharp scalpel, to the fact that people dissect the “cancer” inside. On the one hand, it beats the reader once again that the drugs are so fierce as tigers that they can not get any closer to drugs. On the other hand, they try to arouse the attention of relevant departments and arouse the hope of treatment and rescue.