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微软控制了操作系统市场,但是Oracle不会让他的竞争对手控制数据库市场。上周Oracle宣布了两个针对Oracle 8的多类型开发工具,这在市场上将使微软的SQL Server处于劣势。与此同时,Oracle公司在企业应用市场上展开了大规模闪电般的广告攻势,以挑战SAP和PoepleSoft。★快速移植 Oracle公司名为Oracle Migration Workbench的工具使用户能够快速地将建立在SQL Server基础上的数据移植到Oracle中去。公司发布的另外一个工具是针对Oracle 8的包含第三方应用开发工具的产品。Oracle公司市场部副经理Mark Jarvis说:“我们已经听到SQL Server用户的抱怨,使用Oracle 8比使用SQL Server的速度快多了,Oracle致力于在NT平台提供最好的数据库,而且我们的市场份额显示我们在这一领域的成功。”实际上,根据Dataquest公司的分析,1997年基于NT平台的数据库市场增长了91%,其中Oracle公司的市场份额为41.5%,微软公司的市场份额为38.8%。有分析家认为,Oracle公司的新工具是投向充满火药味的NT数据库市场的火石,这会使竞争升温,明年可能所有的数据库厂家 Microsoft controls the operating system market, but Oracle will not allow his competitors to control the database market. Last week Oracle announced two multi-type development tools for Oracle 8, which will put Microsoft’s SQL Server at a disadvantage in the market. At the same time, Oracle Corp. launched a massive lightning strike in the enterprise application market to challenge SAP and PoepleSoft. ★ Fast migration Oracle’s tool called Oracle Migration Workbench enables users to quickly migrate data based on SQL Server to Oracle. Another tool the company released is for Oracle 8’s products that include third-party application development tools. Mark Jarvis, deputy manager of Oracle’s marketing department, said: "We have heard complaints from SQL Server users. Using Oracle 8 is much faster than using SQL Server. Oracle is committed to providing the best database on NT platform and our market. The share shows our success in this area.” In fact, according to the analysis of Dataquest, the database market based on the NT platform increased by 91% in 1997, of which Oracle’s market share was 41.5%, and Microsoft’s market share was 38.8. %. Some analysts believe that Oracle’s new tool is a flint to the NT database market that is filled with the smell of fire. This will warm the competition and may be for all database manufacturers next year.
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