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谢静宜对她“面试”毛泽东自1974年春天开始,视力明显减弱了,看东西模糊不清。向来自己看文件、批文件的他,不得不叫机要秘书代读,照他的意见代签文件。这年8月,毛泽东路过武汉时,大夫在东湖宾馆为他诊看眼疾,断定为“老年性白内障”。其中,有一只眼睛病情比较严重。毛泽东素来手不释卷,他的眠床之侧,便是一大堆书。他尤为爱读古代的诗、文、史。因患眼疾,不读书,比不眠不食还难受。机要秘书可以读文件,可是为他讲史论文就勉为其难了。于是,中共中央办公厅主任汪东兴和副主任张耀祠着手寻觅合适的人选。既然要“讲”,那普通话就要好,口齿要清楚;在毛泽东身边讲,那古典文学的根 Xie Jingyi “interviewed” her Mao Zedong Beginning in the spring of 1974, her eyesight diminished obviously and her eyes were blurred. He has always seen the documents, approved the document, he had to call the confidential secretary to read, according to his opinion on behalf of the documents. In August of this year, when Mao Zedong passed by Wuhan, the doctor diagnosed eye disease at his Donghu Hotel and concluded as “senile cataract.” Among them, one eye condition is more serious. Mao Zedong had never handed down, his bed side, is a lot of books. He is especially fond of reading ancient poetry, literature and history. Due to eye disease, do not study, not sleep more than uncomfortable. Confidential secretary can read the file, but for him to speak history thesis reluctantly. As a result, Wang Dongxing, director general of the CPC Central Committee and Zhang Yaoci, deputy director, set out to find the right candidate. Since you want to “tell”, that Mandarin is better and your mouth and teeth should be clear. When talking about Mao Zedong, the root of classical literature
摘要:流体动力学研究的对象是运动中的流体的状态与规律,可用于化工生产中计算稳定生产时流体的参数。针对化工生产中出现的实际问题,应用流体动力学相关知识进行计算和分析,找出问题出现的原因,并提出解决措施。得出结论,理论与实际相结合,才能发挥最大的作用。  关键词:流体动力学 应用 化工生产