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9月14日,河北省委召开全省领导干部会议,履新不到一个月的省委书记张庆黎发表他的首份“施政报告”强调:夺取“十二五”开局之年开门红进入最后冲刺阶段,全省上下要集中奋战一百天,进一步增强“等不得”的紧迫感、“慢不得”的危机感、“松不得”的责任感和“停不得”的使命感。【全力以赴抓发展,确保全年经济社会发展目标圆满实现】现在快要 On Sept. 14, Hebei Provincial Party Committee held a meeting of leading cadres in the province and Zhang Qingli, secretary of provincial party committee, who took office less than a month to release his first “Policy Address” stressed: “Year of the Snatch” Good start into the final sprint stage, the province up and down to concentrate on fighting for a hundred days, and further enhance the sense of urgency, such as “can not wait,” “sense of crisis,” “sense of responsibility” and No “sense of mission. ”Go all out to grasp the development and ensure the full realization of the goal of economic and social development for the year."
我省东部是以长白山腹心地带为中心,属临朝边境,覆盖白山、通化等国家重要生态保护地区,也是经济欠发达地区,个别县区还是国家级贫困县区。省委、省政府历来十分重视东部山区的建设发展。 “一五”、“二五”期间把东部山区建设成为以林业、煤炭为重要产业的老工业基地,近年来又加大了药材、矿泉水、人参等产业的发展力度,基础设施建设和工业项目的固定资产投资不断加大,发展态势良好。  当前正值“十二五”规划起步阶段。
The nucleation and precipitation of Mn-containing dispersoids in an Al-Mg-Si-Mn alloy (6082) have been studied by optical microscopy,EPMA (electron probe microa