针对澧水流域常发生强度大、历时短的暴雨洪水问题,结合江垭、皂市水库原有防洪调度规划建立了并联水库优化运行模型,得出了江垭—皂市水库优化运行规则,根据起调水位、预报洪水频率即可得出控泄流量和闸门启闭规则。经各种设计洪水组合模拟计算,理论上可将江垭、皂市水库防洪库容利用率提高到100%,可减小三江口流量13 965 m3/s、降低水位1.69 m,石门以上防洪标准可由17年一遇提高到30年一遇,对澧水流域防洪安全保障具有重要意义。
Aiming at the problem of heavy rain and flood which frequently occurs in Huangshui River basin and lasted for a short time, the optimal operation model of parallel reservoir is established according to the original flood control planning of Jiangya and Zaoshi hydropower stations. The optimized operation rules of Jiangya-Zaoshi reservoir are obtained. According to Adjusting the water level, the forecast flood frequency can be obtained from the flood control and gate opening and closing rules. Through the simulation and calculation of various design flood combinations, the flood control reservoir utilization of Jiangya and Zaoshi reservoirs can theoretically be increased to 100%, which can reduce the flow of 13 965 m3 / s at Sanjiang Estuary and reduce the water level by 1.69 m. The flood control standards above Shihmen can It is of great significance to flood control safety and security in Lishui River Basin once the situation is increased to once every 30 years in 17 years.