发展中国家的婴儿死亡率较工业化国家高20~25倍,而孕产妇死亡率在某些国家要比工业化国家高100~200倍.世界卫生组织总干事H·马勒博士曾经指出,这些统计数字代表了发达国家和发展中国家在所有的公共卫生领域中的极大悬殊性. 这些保健状况的悬殊反映了世界资源分
Infant mortality rates in developing countries are 20-25 times higher than those in industrialized countries, and maternal mortality rates in some countries are 100-200 times higher in some countries than in industrialized countries.H.M. Director Dr H. MAHLE once pointed out that these statistics The numbers represent the great disparity between developed and developing countries in all areas of public health, and the disparity between these health conditions reflects that the World Resources