The fight against humanity and disease has a long history, but until the 1950s and 1950s, the medical devices that people were able to apply were still extremely simple and small. Doctor, this ancient occupation, is also in the manual stage of work for a long time. In 1895, the discovery of Roentgen radiations started to see the dawn of image medicine. However, after decades of efforts, it was only in the 1940s and 1950s that few hospitals, such as X-ray machines, were able to become medical equipment Check the equipment. The rapid technological revolution and the advent of the information society in the late 1960s laid the foundations of modern medical equipment with the rise of microelectronics and computer technology and many new industries. The most significant of these was the 1979 Years, Hansfield, UK, two engineers, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the invention of X-CT. Since then has really opened the prelude to medical imaging. Then, a variety of medical imaging equipment, such as ECT, NMR, DSA, B super are springing up, rapid development. On the other hand, with the microprocessor