从1999年10月1日起生效的 《中华人民共和国合同法》(以下称合同法)中规定了关于货物买卖的一套法律规则。该规则适用于国内货物买卖交易;在按照国际私法规则以中国法作为国际货物买卖合同准据法的情况下,亦适用于国际货物买卖交易。然而,合同法中关于货物买卖的这套规则并不排斥、也不能取代从1988年1月1日起即对中国生效的《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(以下称公约)。
The Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Contract Law”) which came into force on October 1, 1999 stipulates a set of legal rules governing the sale and purchase of goods. This rule applies to transactions in domestic goods; in the case of Chinese law as the governing law of contracts for the international sale of goods in accordance with the rules of private international law, it also applies to the sale and purchase of international goods. However, this set of rules in the contract law on the sale of goods is neither exclusive nor substitutes for the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (hereinafter referred to as the “Convention”) which took effect on January 1, 1988.