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现代主义设计主张及其产品摒弃了以往工艺美术运动和新艺术运动主流派重视装饰的特征,以极力强调对于机器生产的适合性为标志。现代主义设计极力反对装饰,认为装饰破坏了工业生产的秩序性,是对机器美学的否认,是对功能的贬低。客观上,现代主义设计产品的装饰是隐藏在产品形式内部的一种更加隐蔽的装饰。 Modernist design propositions and their products, which have abandoned the emphasis attached to decorating by the mainstream arts and crafts and the Art Nouveau movement, are marked by their strong emphasis on the suitability of machine production. Modernist designs strongly oppose decorating, believing that decorating undermines the orderliness of industrial production, denying machine aesthetics, and demeaning functions. Objectively, the decorating of a modernist design product is a more covert adornment hidden inside the product form.
一  7月的合肥,烈日当头。在徽州大道与环城南路交界处,一群骑着三轮车的光头男人在街道人流中叫卖矿泉水,格外显眼。这群人年纪差不多大,都理着光头,穿着统一的白色T恤,套着粉红色围裙,身上还贴着“白血病患儿光头老爸团”的标识,在他们的周围摆放着数个展示牌。路过的市民被这街头一景吸引围观,好奇的他们细读展示牌上面的图文后得知,原来是一群白血病儿童的父亲自发组织起来的患儿自救募捐行动。  白血病俗称“血