
来源 :改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:petry1989
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By means ora Painlevé-Backlund transformation and a multi-linear variable separation approach, abundant localized coherent excitations of the three-dimensi
Based on the rank analysis method, algorithmization idea, and symbolic computation, in this paper we have presented a method to construct the conservation laws
<正> 试办抵押贷款,是银行信贷的一项新业务,对于调整贷款结构,保证信贷资金安全,提高资金使用效益有着重要作用。这里我们想就国营企业实行抵押贷款,提出一点
In 1992,E.E.Podkletnov and R.Nieminen found that under certain conditions,ceramic superconductor with composite structure reveals weak shielding properties agai
<正> 针对当前企业结算资金周转慢,拖欠货款比较突出,商品交易中大量使用现金等问题,人民银行湖北省分行与各专业银行密切配合,采取积极措施,疏通结算渠道,挖掘资金潜力,加速
By using the generalized tanh-function method, we find bright and dark solitary wave solutions to an extended nonlinear Schrodinger equation with the third-orde
<正> 金融改革步履艰难,时至今日仍走在从“机关”到企业的途中,反复思索,觉得银行行的正常化对金融改革可谓一大推进。金融改革的目标模式是建立一个以中央银行为主导的,国
The Mei symmetry and the Lie symmetry of the relativistic Hamiltonian system are studied. The definition and criterion of the Mei symmetry and the Lie symmetry