
来源 :贵州茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong507
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茶是世界三大饮料之一,随着人们消费观念向着“绿色、生态、营养、健康、无污染”的改变,对茶叶产品质量要求已提升到一定高度。晴隆县属茶叶老区,老茶园比重大,抗病虫能力弱,同时因茶园发展,苗木大量引进,植物检疫不严格,导致一些病虫进入晴隆茶区蔓延危害。以茶黑刺粉虱为代表的害虫对茶园的危害逐年加重,从次要害虫上升为主要害虫,严重影响茶园整体效益,造成茶园产量减少,品质下降。据测算,晴隆县的生产茶园因该虫造成的损失 Tea is one of the three major beverages in the world. As people’s consumption concept changes towards “green, ecological, nutritional, healthy and pollution-free”, the quality requirements for tea products have been raised to a certain height. Qinglong County is a tea old area, a large proportion of old tea gardens, resistance to pests and diseases weak, and because of tea development, the introduction of large quantities of seedlings, phytosanitary is not strict, resulting in some pests and diseases into the spread of Harmonica tea damage. The harm caused by the pests represented by C. glauca to the tea plantations has been increasing year by year, rising from secondary pests to major pests, seriously affecting the overall benefits of the tea plantation, resulting in the decrease of yield and quality of the tea plantation. It is estimated that the production of tea plantations in Qinglong County due to the insects caused by the loss
影迷茶客们最关心的莫过于近期新“出炉”的影片都有哪些。据权威人士透露,金秋时分,正是收获季节,用硕果累累来形容最新生产的影片是再恰当不过了。 Movie fans are most c
【摘要】随着我国教育体制的不断改革与进步,在高中思想政治教学的课堂上,老师所展开的教学方法,也不仅仅以提升学生的学习成绩为目的,更重要的一点,是利用生命教育的内容,帮助学生建立更为积极乐观的生活态度。本文通过对高中思想政治教学中生命教育的内容和方法展开探究,希望能为相关人员,起到一些积极的参考作用。  【关键词】高中思想政治 生命教育 教学思考 探究  【中图分类号】G633.2【文献标识码】A
Although highly regulated, all non-clinical toxicology studies have the potential to experience practical problems.Anticipation of potential hurdles and planning for success are key actions for all in