产业化作为现代农业发展基本思路的提出是近几年的事。实践这一思路的先遣者的成功,向我们展示了农业产业化前途灿烂,大有可为。 《中国产经新闻》最近刊登鲁言的文章,该文介绍了近些年南国华西、北国顺鑫在实现农业产业化过程中取得的骄人的成绩。江阴华西村,在0.96平方公里的弹丸之地,建起了58家企业,固定资产逾20亿元,年创销售30亿元。全村实现了少有教,老有靠,行有车,住有房,购有店,游有园,家庭最少存款30万元,多则300
Industrialization as a basic idea of modern agricultural development is proposed in recent years. The success of the pioneers who practiced this line of thought shows us that the agricultural industrialization has a bright future and a bright future. China’s Sankei Shimbun recently published an article by Lu Yan, which introduced the remarkable achievements made by Huaxin in the southern China and Shunxin in the north in the course of realizing agricultural industrialization in recent years. Jiangyin Huaxi Village, in 0.96 square kilometers of projectile land, built 58 companies, more than 2 billion yuan in fixed assets, an annual sales of 3 billion yuan. The village to achieve a few teach, always rely on, the car, live in a room, shop, travel garden, the family at least 30 million deposit, as many as 300