PostScript打印机向来很贵,它里面有一块价值数千元人民币的PostScript硬件解释卡,这使得它无法用在只有数千元人民币的中低档激光打印机中,而中低档激光打印机无论对复杂幅面的处理还是打印速度上表现得又比较差,正所谓“鱼与熊掌不可兼得”。 北大方正集团业务开展越来越广,已将眼光盯住覆盖面更为宽广的通用产品市场,包括激光打印机。方正文杰系列(Founder Word Jet)就是方正激光打印机之一的品牌,已推出了幅面和性能各不相同的几种款式。
The PostScript printer has always been expensive, with a PostScript hardware interpreter card worth thousands of yuan, which makes it impossible to use in mid to low laser printers of only a few thousand yuan, while medium and low laser printers, regardless of the complexity of the format Or print speed performance is relatively poor, is the so-called “fish and bear’s paw can not have both.” Peking University Founder Group, more and more business development, has focused its attention on the broader coverage of general-purpose products market, including laser printers. Founder Word Jet (Founder Word Jet) is one of the Founder laser printer brand, has introduced a variety of formats and performance of several different styles.