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10月13日,来自陆海空三军的中国人民解放军精锐之师,用现代化的作战手段,进行了一场“新三打三防”和诸军兵种演练。 这场自1964年大比武以来演练层次、运用技术最新、涉及范围最广的多维空间大演兵是中国军队战略转变、创新现代作战能力的缩影,昭示中国军队正告别20世纪,阔步走向新世纪。 在这场举世瞩目的大演兵中,“现代战争之神”——导弹大显神威,光彩夺目。请看: —在浩瀚无垠的大草原,当年击落蒋军RB-57D型高空侦察机的我空军地空导弹某师使用集高新技术于一体的新型导弹捕住目标。顷刻,火龙腾飞,击落了来袭的隐形飞机。 —在波涛汹涌的渤海湾,模拟 On October 13, elites of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) from the three armed forces of the armed, naval and naval forces conducted a “new third strike, three defenses,” and arms parade exercises using modern means of warfare. Since 1964, since the contest, the use of technology is the most comprehensive and extensive multi-dimensional space exercise is the epitome of the strategic transformation of the Chinese armed forces and innovation in modern combat capabilities. It shows that the Chinese army is bidding for the 20th century and striding toward the new century . In this large-scale military exercise that attracts worldwide attention, “the god of modern warfare” - the missile's magnificence is dazzling. See: - In the immense savannah, a division of the Air Force surface-to-air missile that dropped the Chiang Kai-shek RB-57D high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft captured the target with a new type of missile integrating advanced technologies. Immediately, the fire dragon soared, shot down the incoming stealth aircraft. - In the rough Bohai Bay, simulated
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Plasma concentrations of soluble tumor necrosis factor α(TNF-α) receptor type I (sTNF-RI) were assessed in two complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) patient g