老是重复使用一种特定的讲授课文的方法,会使学生和教师都感到厌腻.教师在讲授课文时应该始终使学生兴致勃勃,而且用多种方法与途径帮助他们练习种种技能.本文将举例说明几种巧用课文的方式方法. 理解各类提问达到阅读理解,有很多不同的做法.当教师想就课文提出一些精深的问题时,既可以叫学生默读,也可让他们在教师朗读课文时细听.教师问的问题,可以用口头,也可以把问题写在黑板上;而学生的回答既可以用口头也可以用笔头.…
Always reusing a specific method of teaching texts can make both students and teachers feel tired.The teachers should always be able to teach students the interest of the students and use a variety of ways and means to help them practice all kinds of skills.This paper will Examples of how to use the text clever way to understand various types of questions to read comprehension, there are many different ways.When teachers want to ask some profound questions on the text, both can be called silent reading, but also allow them to read in the teacher Listen to the text while the teacher asks questions, verbally or write the questions on the blackboard, and the student’s responses both verbally and in writing.