(1) The emergence and evolution of the concentration of conditional permit system of operators (2) The advantages of centralized concentration of conditional permit system of operators (2) The concentration of conditional concentration of operators on licenses The hidden dangers of the application of the system: Excessive and inadequate (A) the conditions attached to the necessary limits exceeded (B) the conditions attached to the problem can not solve the problem of competition Third, the concentration of managers with conditional permission system balance: the principle of proportion and its application ) Proportion Principle Principle (II) Proportionality Principle and Operator Concentration Conditional License System Co-ordination (III) Specific Application of Proportion Principle in Concentration of Licensee with Conditional License IV. Reflections on Concentration of Conditional License System in China Since the implementation of the Anti-monopoly Law in our country, the Ministry of Commerce as a review department has handled a large number of cases involving concentration of operators. Many of these cases have adopted a conditional license approach. However, it is worth pondering over which principles, standards or methods should be adopted in handling business concentration cases in this way. Correct