电子商务突然成为街头巷尾一个耳熟能详的名词。被懂的、似懂非懂的、完全不懂的人们议论着、憧憬着。众所周知,电子商务与传统的管理模式、商业模式相比有着无可比拟的优势,因此,随着网络技术、通信技术和信息技术的迅猛发展,Internet 技术的全球普及,电子商务正推动着一场新的管理和
E-commerce has suddenly become a well-known term in the streets. Understand, understand or understand, people do not understand talk about, looking forward to. As we all know, e-commerce and traditional management mode, compared to the business model has an unparalleled advantage, therefore, with the rapid development of network technology, communication technology and information technology, the global popularization of Internet technology, e-commerce is driving a New management and