党的十一届三中全会以后,在市教育局和档案局的关心指导下,我校文书档案工作从无到有,逐步完善和正规,对教学和其它工作的开展起到了较好作用。我们的做法如下: 一、加强对学校档案工作的领导我校的前身是解放前的一所小学校。解放后,在党和政府的关怀下,发生了很大变化。现有三十三个教学班,九十多名教职工,一千七百多名学生,是信阳市的重点小学。由于十年动乱,学校所存资料丢失已尽,给教学工作带来很大困难。以
After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance and care of the Municipal Bureau of Education and the Bureau of Archives, the files and files of our school have grown from nothing to gradual improvement and formality, playing a good role in teaching and other work. Our approach is as follows: First, to strengthen the leadership of the school archives Our predecessor is a pre-liberation of a primary school. After the liberation, under the care of the party and the government, great changes took place. The existing 33 classes, more than 90 faculty members, more than 1,700 students, is a key primary school in Xinyang City. Due to the turmoil of 10 years, the loss of information stored in the school has been exhausted, bringing great difficulties to the teaching work. To